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Bring joyful moments into the lives of your dearest ones with this Delightful Irish Gifts Basket for celebrations and let them cherish it for lifetime. This Basket features-
1. 4 Cans of Non-Alcoholic Drink
2. 1 Shapphire Creamy Crackers (350 gm)
3. 1 Gonemad Coffee Sticks (100 gm)
4. 1 UNBIC multigrain cookies (75 gm)
5. 1 Mixed Nuts (100 gm)
6. 1 Amul Cheese Spread (200 gm)
7. 1 Greetings Card
8. 1 Basket
  • Price:  Rs. 2065 / $ 24.29
Earliest Delivery : 3-AprSmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.